Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT) is a public university with long experience and tradition in engineering and technologies studies. It places great emphasis on international cooperation and mobility, welcoming approximately 200 foreign students and lecturers, which an increasing number come from India and Singapore. With over 90 R&D groups, this University aims to be not only a place for the dissemination of knowledge but also a source of scientific and technological creation. These groups carry out basic and applied research into a broad variety of fields: Manufacturing, robotics and automatics, environmental engineering, ICT, architecture, to mention just a few.
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena takes part in the project through a multidisciplinary group composed for the OPECT and members of two faculties: Telecommunications Engineering Faculty (ETSIT) (http://teleco.upct.es) and Industrial Engineering Faculty (ETSII) (http://etsii.upct.es). They both offer training programs (Diploma and MSc degrees) with contents and competencies close to what Industry 4.0 demands:
– Faculty of Telecommunications Engineering, has a solid researching and teaching experience in the field of Key Enabling Technologies of Industry 4.0: Internet of Things (including wireless sensor networks and radio frequency identification), Computer Networks and planning, management and optimizing networks, among others
– Faculty of Industrial Engineering, holds different Diplomas and Msc degrees related with robotics and automatization. The faculty has wide experience in topics related with control and automatization and optimization of industrial processes, many of them adapted to the requirements of Industry 4.0.
– The European Projects Office (OPECT), has a wide experience supporting the different faculties of the University of Cartagena in the management activities for EU projects. They currently helping to manage 14 European projects in leading programs such as Horizon 2020, FP7, LIFE+, Erasmus+ and European Social Fund.
The UPCT is a key partner of this consortium, not only because their extensive knowledge in I4.0, but also because the collaborative experience with partners such as CETEM and KIT in previous projects.
Prof. Dr. Carlos Godinez is Associate Professor and Researcher of the Chemical Processes Engineering Research Group (INQUIPRO http://www.upct.es/~inquica/) at the Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT). He is Chemical Engineer (B.Sc, M.Sc) and received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Murcia (Spain). He has 23 years of professional experience with a unique combination of industrial and academic background. Prof. Dr. Godinez worked 7 years as professional chemical engineer in the chemical industry. He is also backed by 16 years of HE experience mainly in Spain, but also in the USA and UK. Nowadays, Prof. Dr. Godinez is Vice-Dean for International Relations and Mobility of the School of Industrial Engineering with responsibilities in the development of double degrees agreements with international universities as well as the academic organization of the Erasmus Programme. Under this assignment he is developing a double diploma in Robotics and Industrial Automation with the Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania. Prof. Dr. Godinez is also Dean of the Chair Takasago-UPCT where he provides technical support to this well-known Japanese corporation in R&D projects related to manufacture of intermediates and finished goods for this fine chemicals and pharmaceutical industry.
Francesc Burrull i Mestres received the Telecommunication Engineering degree in 1995 from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Spain, and the PhD on Telecommunication Engineering in 2005 from the Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena), Spain. He has been an assistant professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Telematics (DMAT-UPC) since 1996. In September 1999, he joined as a Associated Professor of the Department of Information Technologies and Communications at the newly created Telecommunication School of the Technical University of Cartagena (ETSIT-UPCT), Spain. He has been responsible for the development of several new graduate courses. He has been involved in national research projects related to multimedia value-added services and SDL (Specification and Description Language) design and implementation of broadcast protocols for LAN and MANET networks. He is an ERASMUS coordinator, since 2009, of the ETSIT-UPCT.
Prof. Dr. Joaquín Roca González is associate professor of the Electronic Technology Department at UPCT He received the Msc degree in Automation and Industrial Electronics Engineering om 1999 by UPCT, and MSc in Biomedical Instrumentation in 2002 by UPM. He received the Phd degree in Industrial Technologies in 2008.
Prof. Dr. Roca has 18 years of HE teaching experience in Industrial Instrumentation, and Analog Electronics. He has industrial experience, as research intern engineer at Navantia involved in the development of the platform control system for the F100 frigates of the Spanish Navy. As researcher, he has authored and co-authored more than 20 publications

José Luis Romero Gázquez was born in Spain in 1993. He received his Telematic Engineering degree from the University of Cartagena (Spain) in 2015. In 2017 he received his Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering from the same University. Since 2017, he has been working as researcher and Ph.D. Student in GIRTEL group of the University of Cartagena. His research interests include the develop of solutions for Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0 and network optimization.
Dr. Maria Victoria Bueno is Associate Professor in Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies at UPCT. She is Telecommunications Engineering (Bsc, Msc) and European Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications. She has more than 13 years of teaching experience and 9 as Erasmus Coordinator. She has been ViceDean of Telecommunications Engineering Faculty at UPCT leading tasks regarding to monitor and to improve quality of HE degrees. She has also been Dean of on-line massive courses for secondary school teachers and has collaborated in educational projects for including ICTs in teaching-learning process for undergraduate, graduate and university teachers.
She is also researcher of the Telecommunication Networks Engineering Group (http://girtel.upct.es), and co-founder of the Technology Base Company E-lighthouse Network Solutions: http://e-lighthouse.com. She was also Head of the Catedra Aire Networks–‐UPCT. She has authored and co-authored more than 80 publications (20 JCR-indexed journals) and has received 5 papers awards in works focused on wireless networks and RFID. She was associate Editor of the Journal of Computing and Information Technology for 6 years (2012-2018). She has also participated in more than 20 national and European projects as well in companies’ contracts related to the domain of this project, leading some of them.
Marina Giménez Gonzálvez
International Project Manager at the EU Project Office (OPECT-UPCT)
She started working at UPCT International Office in 2014 managing bilateral agreements with partner universities and incoming students from all over the world. In 2015 she began to work at OPECT advising researchers and teachers on EU funding opportunities, putting together competitive proposals for a wide variety of programs including Erasmus+, H2020, LIFE+, Interreg, ENI MED CBC among others and managing granted projects on a financial and administrative level.
She also holds extensive experience working in multicultural teams internationally and providing cross-cultural and intercultural trainings.
Prof. Dr. Pablo Pavón-Mariño is Full Professor and Head of the Telecommunication Networks Engineering Group (http://girtel.upct.es), in the Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies at the UPCT. He is Telecommunications Engineering (Msc, Phd) and Msc degree in Mathematics. He has more than 18 years of HE teaching experience. He was ViceDean of Telecommunications Faculty in UPCT, (2005-2009), working on new HE degrees and teaching quality. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 published works, 45 of them JCR-indexed journals. He is also author of the book “Network optimization: modelling and algorithms”, published in Wiley editorial (May 2016). http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1119013356.html, and author of the open-source tool Net2Plan (http://www.net2plan.com ) and JOM, an open Java Library to solve optimization problems, to be used in teaching and researching, with LGPL license: http://www.net2plan.com/jom.
Prof. Dr. Pavón is co-founder of the Technology Base Company E-lighthouse Network Solutions, focused on ICT consulting and development of network planning software. (http://e-lighthouse.com)
Prof. Dr. Pavón has participated in more than 20 national and European projects and companies contracts related to the domain of this project, leading some of them.