29 July 2022, day 2:
Ultimaker 2+ Extender recap by En Fadhil from Pebbelreka, Cura Software training, FlashForge 3D printer and Finder software training

29 July 2022, day 2:
Ultimaker 2+ Extender recap by En Fadhil from Pebbelreka, Cura Software training, FlashForge 3D printer and Finder software training
Jul28th 2022 day1: Introduction to 3D Printing and Raw materials use to UKM lectures and students. Handling andoperation of Ultimaker 2+ Extender for 3D printing
Industry 4.0 Workshop with Makin 4.0:
Current Status of Automation and Application of IR 4.0 in The Malaysian Wood Industry by Prof. Dr Jegatheswaran Ratnasingam
Making 4.0 was promoted on WULS-SGGW days, which is a two-day event organized in May 20th/22nd by the academic community. It has always been of great interest not only to the Warsaw inhabitants, but to the high school graduates interested in studying at our university. It was a great opportunity to present the achievements of the SGGW academic staff and students, especially with the several thousands of visitors, and we had some luck to be close to the main stage 🙂
Thanks to help from TopSolution We have been able to join Meble Polska, Largest East European Furniture trade show, Held in Poznan, Poland held in Poznań from 16 to 19 May 2022. This year, amongst several thousands visitors, over 50% came from abroad.
Thanks to Drzewna Vocational School we had a chance to present Ideas and achievements in Making 4.0 during Wood Science training session, for school students and local companies. We are hoping for international cooperation not only on the university level, but also in professional vocational training.
Train Of Trainers follow up sessions with additional decisions about the content and specific subjects are going on.
Train of trainers which took place Dec 13-14th consisted of several sessions dealing with explanations and solving potential problems with teaching of subjects in pilot phase of Making 4.0 course:
Detailed explanations and tips&tricks went well, so it was decided that additional support if needed will be provided individually.
MAKING4.0 presentation for the Capacity Building High Education Virtual Fair 2021, organized by the European Commission, on 26th October 2021.