
Module 1: Processes and production of furniture

The first training module of Making4.0 Master provides the necessary knowledge on the different advanced technologies available, their benefits, and how they could be implemented in furniture production processes.

The training module is composed by 6 compulsory and 2 elective courses, with a total of 16 credits, according to the Malaysian Qualifications Framework.
Compulsory courses offer students a complete overview on how Industry4.0 technologies could benefit the production processes in the furniture sector, focusing on those more interesting and used Key Enabling Technologies: additive manufacturing, Internet of Things, wireless technologies, and automation and mechanization.
The six compulsory courses are:
• Digital transformation in the industry4.0download
• Production processes in the furniture sector – download
• Automation and mechanization. Low-Cost Automationdownload
• Additive manufacturingdownload
• Internet of Things (IoT) applied to wood-based industrydownload
• Wireless technologies for logistic and manufacturingdownload

Additional to compulsory courses, students must select two elective courses from a list of five. These courses provide in-depth knowledge of different technologies, explaining key concepts, benefits and how to implement them, with practical examples on the furniture and wood-based industry. The elective courses are:
• Network communications in the industrydownload
• Robotics applied to the wood-based industrydownload
• Augmented realitydownload
• Simulation and 3D Scanningdownload
• Cloud Computing and Big Data applied to the wood-based industrydownload
This module is considered an essential introduction to the Industry4.0 for future professional of the furniture and wood-based industry, becoming industry facilitators of the digital transformation.